All documents written by RMPC and related to RMIS, RCMT, and CWT topics found on the RMPC website can be accessed from this document table.

FileDescriptionFile Date
2024 RCMT Meeting NotesOfficial meeting minutes from the 2024 RCMT annual meeting2024
NMT V-Detector Manual 2022Northwest Marine Technology manual for using a V-detector.Feb 2022
NMT CWT Formats and Reading InstructionsInstruction document from Northwest Marine Technology for understanding the different CWT formats available and how to read the read the various codes on the CWT.Nov 2017
NMT Tag Viewer Quick Start v1.3Northwest Marine Technology quick start manual for their Tag Viewer.Nov 2013
Request for Use of Non-CWT Wire Form (2023 version)This form is to provide information when requesting the use of non-coded wire tag (CWT) wires for marking fish. This form is to be submitted to the Regional Committee on Marking and Tagging for review. The information is necessary to assess impacts of the marking variance to the coastwide coded wire tag (CWT) program.   This form replaced the previously named form: Request for Marking Variance (last updated 2022)2023
2024 RCMT Annual Meeting AgendaAgenda for the 2024 RCMT annual meeting2024
All Agency Update 20242024 All Agency update for the 2024 Annual Meeting2024
Coded-Wire Tag Sampling: The Case for Electronic-Field DetectionMany CWT sampling programs of commercial fisheries have transitioned to electronic-field detection, while others are still visual-field only, examining snouts from all adipose-clipped salmon, even those without CWTs. Because some CWT salmon are released from hatcheries without any external marks, visual-field only programs also fail to sample these CWTs. In 2012, we used electronic tag detection at a processing plant in Kodiak, Alaska, to scan Chinook salmon caught as bycatch in the US North Pacific groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska. Electronic-field detection increased CWT recovery rates over visual-field detection of adipose-clipped Chinook salmon, and an estimated 64–74% of adipose-clipped Chinook salmon sampled had no CWTs. Visual-field only CWT sampling programs may unnecessarily process large numbers of untagged, adipose-clipped salmon while also recovering fewer CWTs than comparable electronic sampling programs.2024
RCMT 1999 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1999 RCMT annual meeting1999
RCMT 2000 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 2000 annual RCMT meeting2000
RCMT 1997 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1997 RCMT annual meeting1997
RCMT 1998 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1998 RCMT annual meeting1998
RCMT 1999 Meeting AgendaOfficial meeting agenda from 1999 RCMT annual meeting1999
RCMT 1995 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1995 RCMT annual meeting1995
RCMT 1996 Meeting AgendaOfficial meeting agenda from 1996 RCMT annual meeting1996
RCMT 1996 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1996 RCMT annual meeting1996
RCMT 1992 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1992 RCMT annual meeting1992
RCMT 1993 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1993 RCMT annual meeting1993
RCMT 1994 Meeting AgendaOfficial meeting agenda from 1994 RCMT annual meeting1994
RCMT 1994 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1994 RCMT annual meeting1994
RCMT 1995 Meeting AgendaOfficial meeting agenda from 1995 RCMT annual meeting1995
RCMT 1986 Meeting MinutesOfficial 1986 meeting minutes from annual RCMT meeting1986
RCMT 1987 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1987 RCMT annual meeting1987
RCMT 1990 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1990 RCMT annual meeting1990
RCMT 1991 Meeting MinutesOfficial meeting minutes from 1991 RCMT annual meeting1990
RCMT 1984 Meeting MaterialsMeeting materials from 1984 RCMT annual meeting1984
RCMT 1984 Meeting MinutesMeeting minutes from 1984 RCMT annual meeting1984
RCMT 1985 Meeting AgendaMeeting agenda from 1985 RCMT annual meeting1985
RCMT 1985 Meeting MinutesRCMT meeting minutes from the 1985 annual meeting1985
1984 Publication – Coded-Wire Tag Replication StudiesThe necessary groundwork has been completed to estimate the internal variability of CWT data via replication. A preliminary analysis was done on replicate releases from Abernathy. The analysis and results are discussed.1984
RCMT 1982 Meeting AgendaMeeting agenda from the 1982 RCMT annual meeting1982
RCMT 1983 Meeting AgendaMeeting agenda from the 1983 RCMT annual meeting1983
RCMT 1983 Meeting MinutesThe meeting minutes from the 1983 RCMT annual meeting1983
RCMT 1984 Meeting AgendaMeeting Agenda from the 1984 RCMT annual meeting1984
1983 Policy for Marking Harvestable Steelhead Stocks in the Columbia BasinHistorical document on the final agreement on desequestering the adipose fin clip on Columbia Basin steelhead in order that the mark can be used to identify harvestable stock1983
1984 Meeting Minutes – PMFC Ad-Hoc Committee for Documentation of CWT Studies1984 Meeting Minutes - PMFC Ad-Hoc Committee for Documentation of CWT Studies1984
Specifications and Definitions for the Exchange of Coded Wire Tag Data for the North American Pacific Coast PSC Format Version 4.2CWT data submitted to RMIS must be exchanged in the form of a PSC Format Version 4.2 dataset. The definition and specification of PSC Format Version 4.2 is described in this document.2023
RCMT Meeting Minutes 2023Official meeting minutes from the 2023 RCMT annual meeting2023
RMIS California Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the California Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RCMT 2023 Meeting MaterialsMeeting documents for the 2023 RCMT annual meeting2023
RCMT 2023 Meeting AgendaMeeting agenda from the 2023 RCMT annual meeting2023
Coded-Wire Tag Sampling: The Case for Electronic-Field DetectionA clipped adipose fin served as an effective external mark indicating presence of a coded-wire tag (CWT) in salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) from the 1960s until the mid 1990s when hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest began mass marking released fish with an adipose fin clip, but not necessarily a CWT. Since then, many CWT sampling programs of commercial fisheries have transitioned to electronic-field detection, while others are still visual-field only, examining snouts from all adipose-clipped salmon, even those without CWTs. Because some CWT salmon are released from hatcheries without any external marks, visual-field only programs also fail to sample these CWTs. In 2012, we used electronic tag detection at a processing plant in Kodiak, Alaska, to scan 1,201 Chinook salmon (O. tschawytscha) caught as bycatch in the US North Pacific groundfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). Chinook salmon bycatch were also electronically scanned in partnerships with private industry: 3,713 salmon in the 2013–2016 US rockfish fishery in the central GOA, and 611 salmon in testing of salmon excluder devices in 2013 in the central GOA groundfish fisheries. Electronic-field detection increased CWT recovery rates by 20–24% over visual-field detection of adipose-clipped Chinook salmon, and an estimated 64–74% of adipose-clipped Chinook salmon sampled had no CWTs. Visual-field only CWT sampling programs may unnecessarily process large numbers of untagged, adipose-clipped salmon while also recovering fewer CWTs than comparable electronic sampling programs. Citation Michele M. Masuda and Adrian G. Celewycz "Coded-Wire Tag Sampling: The Case for Electronic-Field Detection," Northwest Science 93(2), 102-111, (25 September 2019). Note: Public access is provided with approval of the Managing Editor of Northwest Science because this research was conducted by federal employees and there is no copyright restriction. Article:
2023 All Agency UpdateAll agency update from the 2023 RCMT annual meeting2023
BPA Annual Project Progress Report for 2021Annual progress report submitted to Bonneville Power Administration summarizing work accomplished by the Regional Mark Processing Center during calendar year 2021 for the BPA project 1982-013-01  "Coded Wire-Tag Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC)."  2021
Preliminary Review of Fiscal Year 2003 Mainstem and Systemwide Proposals (ISRP 2002-13)This report provides preliminary comments and recommendations of the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) and Peer Review Groups on Mainstem and Systemwide projects submitted for Fiscal Year 2003 funding. The Mainstem and Systemwide review is the final segment of the rolling review process, which began in the spring of 2000 and covers all projects funded through the Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program. This preliminary report provides project sponsors and the public an opportunity to respond to ISRP concerns before the ISRP makes its final recommendation to the Council on October 23, 2002. This report also provides information to the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority (CBFWA) for its use in project prioritization and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Action Agencies’ (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the Bonneville Power Administration) Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Group in its project review and potential revision efforts.2002
PSC Workshop on Hatchery CWT Methodology (Regional Information Report1 No. 1 J95- 12)Preliminary summary edited and condensed by Norma Jean Sands. This workshop on hatchery coded-wire-tag (CWT) methodology was sponsored by the Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC); its purpose was to compare methods currently used in producing CWT data, to review uses of the data, and to make recommendations for standardizing and improving technologies where possible. The workshop was attended by 40-60 people each day with almost 100 different people in total, coming from Alaska, the Yukon, B.C., Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California. A schedule of the meeting is attached. The last half of the third day consisted of panel workgroups with participation by interested audience members as well as panel participants. There were spirited discussions in all workgroups and each workgroup put together a summary of findings, discussions, and recommendations. These summaries, along with summaries of each panel talk, will be will be compiled in a workshop  proceeding which will be published through the PSC1995
Coded-Wire Tag Loss Study (WDFW Technical Report No. 65)Author: Lee Blankenship For each year from 1973 thru 1978, the Washington Department of Fisheries (WDF) has published a report documenting the estimated catch of WDF’s coded-wire tagged (CWT) fish. These have been published as part of the WDF Progress Report series and provide estimated catch by fishery, area and time for each tag group with one or more tag recoveries during that year (WDF, 1976, 1976; Rasch 1977, 1978; Rasch and O’Connor, 1979; and O’Connor, 1980). These reports have treated tag loss inconsistently (tag loss refers to the shedding of CWT’s which had been implanted in the snout of fish). In the 1974 report, a 15% tag loss was used to adjust release figures. The studies in this report were conducted to gain insight into tag loss rates, factors affecting tag loss, length of time over which tag loss occurs, and the numerical significance of naturally occurring adipose fin marks.1981
Comparative Injury, Adipose Fin Mark Quality, and Tag Retention of Spring Chinook Salmon Marked and Coded Wire Tagged by an Automated Trailer and Manual Trailer at Carson National Fish HatcheryAuthors: William R. Brignon, Rod O. Engle, David M. Hand, Jesse Rivera, and Douglas E. Olson The United States Fish and Wildlife Service’s Columbia River Fisheries Program Office has been marking and tagging salmon with automated trailers consistently since 2006, in addition to the historically used manual trailers. Some hatchery managers have expressed concern that automated trailers may cause injuries at rates higher than historic marking and tagging techniques. To begin addressing these concerns, in 2006 we evaluated the two types of marking trailers at Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery, Oregon. To complement the study at Warm Springs National Fish Hatchery, in 2008 spring Chinook salmon at Carson National Fish Hatchery were adipose fin marked and coded wire tagged using both an automated and manual marking trailer2008
Regional Overview of Coded Wire Tagging of Anadromous Salmon and Steelhead in Northwest America (updated from 1989 version)Author: J. Kenneth Johnson. Coded wire microtags (CWTs) were introduced in the Pacific Northwest in the late 1960s as an alternative to fin clipping and external tags for identification of anadromous salmonids in the region, particularly those of hatchery origin. Coastwide use of CWTs quickly followed, and fisheries agencies in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California established ocean sampling and recovery programs. Now, 54 federal, provincial, state, tribal, and private entities release over 50 million salmonids with CWTs yearly. Regional coordination of these tagging programs is provided by the Regional Mark Processing Center operated by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. The ‘Mark Center’ also maintains a centralized database for coastwide CWT releases and recoveries, as well as for associated catch and sample data. CWT data are provided to users via interactive on-line data retrieval.2004
Overview of the Coded Wire Tag Program in the Greater Pacific Region of North AmericaAuthors: George F. Nandor, , James R. Longwill, and , and Daniel L. Webb. The coded wire tag (CWT) was introduced in the greater Pacific region (Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and California) in the late 1960s as an alternative to the fin clip and external tag for identification of anadromous salmonids – particularly hatchery origin fish. Coastwide use of the CWT quickly followed, and fisheries agencies in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and California established ocean sampling and recovery programs. In 2009 47 Federal, Provincial, State, Tribal, and private entities released more than 50 million salmonids with the CWT yearly. Regional coordination of these tagging programs is provided by the Regional Mark Processing Center (RMPC) operated by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC). The center also maintains a centralized database for coastwide CWT releases and recoveries, as well as for associated catch and sample data. CWT data are provided to users through an interactive on-line data retrieval system. An expert panel review of the CWT system in 2005 identified specific problems with the CWT system. In 2008, a CWT workgroup developed a response and an action plan to address those problems.2009
ISRP Response to BPA Project (198201302) Annual Stock Assessment – Coded Wire Tag Program (ODFW)Response by BPA Project Sponsors to ISRP comments in the preliminary review of Fiscal Year 2003 Mainstem and Systemwide Proposals (ISRP 2002). Questions addressed related to stock selection, mass-mark selective mortality, tagging quality and time tagged groups are held prior to release.2003
Random-Sampling Design to Estimate Hatchery Contribution to FisheriesAmerican Fisheries Society Symposium 7:691-707, 1990 Author: Robert R. Vreeland The results from this case study illustrate some important points that may be relevant to a wide variety of mark-recapture experiments. The sam­pling effort required to produce reasonably pre­cise parameter estimates was very high. How­ever, the required precision of such estimates depends on the purpose of the study and the intended use of its results. If a lower level of precision is adequate, the required sampling effort can be reduced. [Note: document includes information on tag retention.]1990
Vreeland Tag Loss memo 1977Memo from Robert R. Vreeland to Kenneth Johnson. Table to help determine the number of fish to sample for wire tag retention.1977
Nason Tag Loss memo 1999Memo from Kristin Nason to Ron Olson. Subject: Detecting a difference in tag loss rate. This memo is in response to the request for an estimate of the sample size needed to test whether or not there is a difference in the tag loss rates of the clipped and unclipped groups of either a coho or chinook double index tag group.1999
Newman Tag Loss memo1987Memo from Ken Newman to Ron Olson. Subject: Review of Bob Vreeland's memo on sample size for tag loss estimation1987
Planning and Conducting Projects Using Coded Wire Tags (published by NMT)Written by D. J. Solomon & G. E. Vander Haegen (Northwest Marine Technology, Inc). This document describes all aspects of the deployment of the Coded Wire Tag (CWT) and ancillary equipment. It is primarily aimed at new and potential users, but experienced users may also find it a useful reference if they are considering tagging new species or tagging under different conditions. This manual is not intended to replace the user manuals for each piece of equipment, but rather to complement them to help in the design and execution of overall tagging programs and the selection of the most appropriate equipment. It contains many hints and suggestions for tagging, tag recovery, tag reading, and data handling. Additional resources are available on the NMT website (
RCMT 2008 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2008 meeting Materials, including presentations.2008
RCMT 2022 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2022 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held Virtually on MS-Teams. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2022
RCMT 2022 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2022 meeting Materials, including presentations.2022
RCMT 2022 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2022 meeting Agenda.2022
RCMT 2021 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2021 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held Virtually on MS-Teams. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2021
RCMT 2021 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2021 meeting Materials, including presentations.2021
RCMT 2021 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2021 meeting Agenda.2021
RCMT 2019 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2019 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Astoria, Oregon. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2019
RCMT 2019 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2019 meeting Materials, including presentations.2019
RCMT 2019 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2019 meeting Agenda.2019
RCMT 2018 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2018 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Friday Harbor, Washington. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2018
RCMT 2018 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2018 meeting Materials, including presentations.2018
RCMT 2018 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2018 meeting Agenda.2018
RCMT 2010 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2010 meeting Materials, including presentations.2010
RCMT 2017 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2017 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Vancouver, British Columbia. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2017
RCMT 2017 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2017 meeting Materials, including presentations.2017
RCMT 2017 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2017 meeting Agenda.2017
RCMT 2016 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2016 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Boise, Idaho. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2016
RCMT 2016 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2016 meeting Materials, including presentations.2016
RCMT 2016 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2016 meeting Agenda.2016
RCMT 2015 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2015 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Juneau, Alaska. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2015
RCMT 2015 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2015 meeting Materials, including presentations.2015
RCMT 2015 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2015 meeting Agenda.2015
RCMT 2014 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2014 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Santa Cruz, California. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2014
RCMT 2014 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2014 meeting Materials, including presentations.2014
RCMT 2014 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2014 meeting Agenda.2014
RCMT 2013 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2013 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Troutdale, Oregon. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2013
RCMT 2013 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2013 meeting Materials, including presentations.2013
RCMT 2013 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2013 meeting Agenda.2013
RCMT 2012 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2012 meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Olympia, Washington. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2012
RCMT 2012 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2012 meeting Materials, including presentations.2012
RCMT 2012 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2012 meeting Agenda.2012
RCMT 2011 Meeting MinutesRCMT meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting in Victoria, British Columbia. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2011
RCMT 2011 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2011 meeting Materials, including presentations.2011
RCMT 2011 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2011 meeting Agenda.2011
RCMT 2010 Meeting MinutesRCMT meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Boise, Idaho See note about embedded links at top of document table.2010
RCMT 2010 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2010 meeting Agenda.2010
RCMT 2009 Meeting MinutesRCMT meeting Minutes, includes tagging plans, meeting held in Metlakatla, Alaska. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2009
RCMT 2009 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2009 meeting Materials, including presentations.2009
RCMT 2009 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2009 meeting Agenda.2009
RCMT 2008 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2008 meeting Minutes, meeting held in Pacific Grove, California. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2008
RCMT 2008 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2008 meeting Agenda.2008
RCMT 2007 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2007 meeting Minutes, meeting held in Warm Springs, Oregon. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2007
RCMT 2007 Meeting MaterialsRCMT 2007 meeting Materials, including presentations and tagging plans.2007
RCMT 2007 Meeting AgendaRCMT 2007 meeting Agenda.2007
RCMT 2006 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2006 meeting Agenda & Minutes, meeting held in Port Angeles, Washington. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2006
RCMT 2005 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2005 meeting Agenda & Minutes, meeting held in Tofino, British Columbia. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2005
RCMT 2004 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2004 meeting Agenda & Minutes, meeting held in Lewiston, Idaho. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2004
RCMT 2003 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2003 meeting Agenda & Minutes, meeting held in Sitka, Alaska. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2003
RCMT 2002 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2002 meeting Minutes, meeting held in Pacific Grove, California (Agenda Unavailable). See note about embedded links at top of document table.2002
RCMT 2001 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2001 meeting Agenda & Minutes, meeting held in Newport, Oregon. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2001
RCMT 2000 Meeting MinutesRCMT 2000 meeting Agenda & Minutes, meeting held in Silverdale, Washington. See note about embedded links at top of document table.2000
NWFCC 2003 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (from part 4)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2003 - part 42003
NWFCC 2003 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (from part 3)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2003 - part 32003
NWFCC 2003 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (from part 1)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2003 - part 12003
NWFCC 2001 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceAgenda and other files of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference from 20012001
NWFCC 2001 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceAgenda of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference from 20012001
NWFCC 2002 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceNorthwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials from 2002 including presentations2002
NWFCC 2002 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference from 20022002
NWFCC 2003 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (part 2)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2003 - part 22003
NWFCC 2003 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings index of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference from 2003 held in Portland, Oregon2003
NWFCC 2009 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (part 2)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2009 - part 22009
NWFCC 2009 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (part 1)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2009 - part 12009
NWFCC 2010 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (part 1)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2010 - part 12010
NWFCC 2010 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (part 2)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2010 - part 22010
NWFCC 2011 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 2 Session 4)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials from Day 2 Session 4, including presentations, from 20112011
NWFCC 2011 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 2 Session 5)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials Day 2 Session 5, including presentations, from 20112011
NWFCC 2011 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 2 Session 3)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials Day 2 Session 3, including presentations, from 20112011
NWFCC 2011Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 3)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2011 - Day 32011
NWFCC 2011 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 1)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2011 - Day 12011
NWFCC 2012 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Session 7,8, and Keynote)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials from session 7 and 8, including presentations, and Keynote from 20122012
NWFCC 2012 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Session 4-6)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials from Session 4-6, including presentations, from 20122012
NWFCC 2012 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Session 1-3)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials from session 1-3, including presentations, from 20122012
NWFCC 2015 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 3)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials for Day 3, including presentations, from 20152015
NWFCC 2015 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 2)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials for Day 2, including presentations, from 20152015
NWFCC 2015 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (Day 1)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference Day 1 meeting materials, including presentations, from 20152015
NWFCC 2016 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceNorthwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 20162016
NWFCC 2017 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (part 2)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2017 - part 22017
NWFCC 2017 Materials – Northwest Fish Cultural Conference (part 1)Northwest Fish Cultural Conference meeting materials, including presentations, from 2017 - part 12017
NWFCC 2017 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Redding, California on December 5 and 7, 20172017
NWFCC 1950-1966 – Northwest Fish Culture Conferences/Workshops (Index)This Index contains separate author and subject references to the ma­terial presented at the first seventeen Northwest Fish Culture Conferences (1950-1966). The Proceedings were not published in 1953 so there are no entries for that year. All references were taken from the table of contents in the proceedings of each conference and are listed according to author or subject, report title, and year. The subjects are quite general as they were categorized by using re­port titles. Many possible subjects have been cross-indexed to aid you find what you are looking for. The Fish Commission of Oregon supplied the funds required to prepare and publish the Index.1966
NWFCC 1950-1981 – Northwest Fish Culture Conferences/Workshops (Index)This index contains separate author and subject references to material presented at the Northwest Fish Culture Conferences/Workshops from 1950 through 1981. This publication is an expansion of the earlier index by Wally Hublou in 1966 and the 1967-1971 index provided by "Bud Ellis" in 1972. To provide continuity, the same categories identified earlier have been used in this latest index.1981
NWFCC 2008 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Culture Conference (59th Annual)Proceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Olympia, WA on December 2 and 4, 2008.2008
Specifications and Definitions for the Exchange of Coded Wire Tag Data for the North American Pacific Coast, PSC Format version 4.1CWT data submitted to RMIS must be exchanged in the form of a PSC Format Version 4.1 dataset. The definition and specification of PSC Format Version 4.1 is described in this document.2022
Summary of PSC Format V4.1 Changes Identified by Data Standards Working GroupThe Data Standards Working Group met in Portland, Oregon on Jun 3-4, 2008. From this meeting, the following changes are identified here for the principal data exchange document: CWT Data File Definition, Specification, and Validation. This changes are to inform PSC Format V4.1 The Data Standards Working Group works under the Technical Committee on Data Sharing of the Pacific Salmon Commission2008
Specifications and Definitions for the Exchange of Coded Wire Tag Data for the North American Pacific Coast, PSC Format version 4.0CWT data submitted to RMIS must be exchanged in the form of a PSC Format Version 4.0 dataset. The definition and specification of PSC Format Version 4.0 is described in this document. (An updated version has replaced 4.0)2007
Request for Marking Variances (2022 form version)Form to be completed when when requesting marking variances from the standard tagging and marking established in the "Regional Coordination and Agreements on Marking and Tagging Pacific Coast Salmonids." The information is necessary to assess impacts of the marking variance to the coastwide coded wire tag (CWT) program (2022 version).2022
Regional Coordination and Agreements on Marking and Tagging Pacific Coast Salmonids (2001 version)The Regional Committee on Marking and Tagging objective, interaction with Regional Mark Processing Center, membership, operating procedures, current use of coded wire tags, fin clips, current use of non-coded wire tag related marking, and coordination of new marking (variances) requests.  Document updated 2001 (newer version available).2001
Regional Coordination and Agreements on Marking and Tagging Pacific Coast Salmonids (2011)The Regional Committee on Marking and Tagging objective, interaction with Regional Mark Processing Center, membership, operating procedures, current use of coded wire tags, fin clips, current use of non-coded wire tag related marking, and coordination of new marking (variances) requests.  This is the updated version of the 2001 document.2011
NWFCC 1989 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Gleneden Beach, Oregon on December 5 and 7, 19891989
NWFCC 2019 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Seattle, Washington on December 7 and 9, 19991999
NWFCC 2000 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Sacramento, California on December 5 and 7, 20002000
NWFCC 2001 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Portland, Oregon on December 4 and 6, 20012001
NWFCC 2002 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Portland, Oregon on December 3 and 5, 20022002
NWFCC 1998 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Boise, Idaho on December 1 and 3, 19981998
NWFCC 1997 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Gleneden Beach, Oregon on December 2 and 4, 19971997
NWFCC 1996 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Victoria, British Columbia on December 3 and 5, 19961996
NWFCC 1994 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Sunriver, Oregon on December 6 - 8, 19941994
NWFCC 1993 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Spokane, Washington on December 7 - 9, 19931993
NWFCC 1992 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Portland, Oregon on December 1 - 3, 19921992
NWFCC 1990 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Boise, Idaho on December 4 - 6, 19901990
NWFCC 1991 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Redding, California on December 3 -5, 19911991
NWFCC 1988 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Richmond, British Columbia on December 6 - 8, 19881988
NWFCC 1987 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Tacoma, Washington on December 1 - 3, 19871987
NWFCC 1986 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Eugene, Oregon on December 2-4, 19861986
NWFCC 1985 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Tacoma, Washington on December 3 - 5, 19851985
NWFCC 1984 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Kennewick, Washington on December 4 - 6, 19841984
NWFCC 1983 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Moscow, Idaho on December 6 - 8, 19831983
NWFCC 1982 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Gleneden Beach, Oregon on November 30 - December 2, 19821982
NWFCC 1981 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Tumwater, Washington on December 1-3, 19811981
NWFCC 1980 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Courtenay, British Columbia on December 3-5, 19801980
NWFCC 1979 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Portland, Oregon on December 5 - 7, 19791979
NWFCC 1978 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Vancouver, Washington on December 5-7, 19781978
NWFCC 1977 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Tumwater, Washington on December 6-8, 19771977
NWFCC 1976 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Twin Falls, Idaho on December 1 and 2, 19761976
NWFCC 1975 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Otter Rock Oregon on December 3 and 5, 19751975
NWFCC 1974 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Seattle, Washington on December 4-6, 19741974
NWFCC 1973 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Wemme, Oregon on December 5 - 7, 19731973
NWFCC 1972 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Seattle, Washington on November 30 - December 1. 19721972
NWFCC 1971 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Portland, Oregon on December 2 and 3, 19711971
NWFCC 2019 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Culture ConventionAgenda of the Annual Northwest Fish Culture Concepts (previously Northwest Fish Cultural Conference) held in Victoria, British Columbia on December 3 and 5, 2019    2019
NWFCC 1970 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Portland, Oregon on December 3 and 4, 19701970
NWFCC 1969 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Tumwater, Washington on December 3 and 4, 19691969
NWFCC 1968 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Boise, Idaho December 4 and 6, 19681968
NWFCC 1967 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held at the University of Washington Fisheries Center, Seattle on December 14 and 4, 19671967
NWFCC 1966 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held Portland, Oregon on December 6 and 7, 19661966
NWFCC 1965 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held Portland, Oregon on December 1 and 2, 19651965
NWFCC 1964 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held Corvallis, Oregon on December 2 and 3, 19641964
NWFCC 1963 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Tumwater,  Washington on December 5 and 6, 19631963
NWFCC 1962 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Longview, Washington on December 4 and 5, 19621962
NWFCC 1961 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in Portland, Oregon on December 5 and 6, 19611960
NWFCC 1960 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held Olympia, Washington on December 6 and 7, 19601960
NWFCC 1958 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held at the University of Washington Fisheries Center, Seattle on December 3 and 4, 19581958
NWFCC 1957 Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held in the Interior Building, Portland, Oregon on December 4 and 5, 19571957
1956 – Proceedings – Northwest Fish Cultural ConferenceProceedings of the Northwest Fish Cultural Conference held at the University of Washington on December 4 and 5, 19561956
1952 Nutritional Conference (now NWFCC) conference reportReport of the Nutritional Conference held at Seattle, Washington on December 4 and 5, 1952. Precursor to the NW Fish Culture Conference1952
1951 Nutritional Conference (now NWFCC) conference reportReport of the Nutritional Conference held at Wenatchee, Washington on November 13 and 14, 1951. Precursor to the NW Fish Culture Conference1951
2019 – Materials – Annual Northwest Fish Culture ConceptsAbstracts of the Annual Northwest Fish Culture Concepts (previously Northwest Fish Cultural Conference) held in Victoria, British Columbia on December 3 and 5, 2019  2019
Guidelines for Submitting PSC Description FilesDescription files are intended to be metadata that indicate what data is new or what changes have occurred to the data itself since the last submission of a given data type. Metadata records help preserve the usefulness of the cwt database by detailing changes. These guidelines are intended to help the reporting agency create more relevant and meaningful description records as they make changes to their Release, Recovery, Catch/Sample, Catch & Effort, and Location data records over time.2011
Overview of the Coded Wire Tag Program in the Greater Pacific Region of North AmericaThis is Chapter 2 of PNAMP Special Publication: Tagging, Telemetry, and Marking Measures for Monitoring Fish Populations book. This Chapter provides an overview of CWT in the Pacific region, including its invention and management applications.
Specifications and Definitions for the Exchange of Coded Wire Tag Data for the North American Pacific Coast, PSC Format version 4.1CWT data submitted to RMIS must be exchanged in the form of a PSC Format Version 4.1 dataset. The definition and specification of PSC Format Version 4.1 is described in this document.2022
Regional Mark Information System User Guide version 3.1This user guide is intended for users of the Regional Mark Information System (RMIS) web application operated by the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC). Users of the RMIS web site must be familiar with the principal CWT data specification reference named below. It is very important that users of CWT data understand the information contained in this document in order to perform conclusive, accurate and responsible analysis of these data.2012
Poster of CWT Releases in the Pacific Northwest (1968-2007) low resolution versionThe number of coded wire tags that were released in the Pacific Northwest (RMPC Domains: British Columbia, Columbia River, Oregon, and Washington) between 1968 through 2007 for salmon and steelhead species.2008
Poster of CWT Releases in the Pacific Northwest (1968-2007)The number of coded wire tags that were released in the Pacific Northwest (RMPC Domains: British Columbia, Columbia River, Oregon, and Washington) between 1968 through 2007 for salmon and steelhead species.2008
Poster of CWT Releases in the Pacific Coastal region (1968-2007) low resolution versionThe number of coded wire tags that were released in the Pacific Northwest (RMPC Domains: Alaska, British Columbia, California, Columbia River, Oregon Coast, Washington, and Yukon) between 1968 through 2007 for salmon and steelhead species.2008
Poster of CWT Releases in the Pacific Coastal region (1968-2007)The number of coded wire tags that were released in the Pacific Northwest (RMPC Domains: Alaska, British Columbia, California, Columbia River, Oregon Coast, Washington, and Yukon) between 1968 through 2007 for salmon and steelhead species.2008
PSC Location Coding Scheme used by Agencies and TribesAppendix 4.4 of the Pacific Salmon Commission Joint Technical Committee on Data Sharing Joint Working Group on Mark Recovery Databases, Report TCDS (89) - 1. Information Content and Data Standards for a Coastwide Coded-Wire Tag Database. Each agency and tribe describes the code applied to their locations and provides maps illustrating each locations.1989
Index of the RMIS Domain Maps (medium resolution image)This is an INDEX to the RMIS Domain Maps developed by RMPC to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
Index of the RMIS Domain Maps (high resolution image)This is an INDEX to the RMIS Domain Maps developed by the RMPC to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RMIS Washington Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the Washington Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RMIS Yukon Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the Yukon Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RMIS Transboundary Rivers Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the Transboundary Rivers Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RMIS Oregon Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the Oregon Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RMIS British Columbia Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the British Columbia Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RMIS Columbia River Basin Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the Columbia River Basin Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011
RMIS Alaska Domain AtlasRMPC developed this map set of the Alaska Domain to improve access to coded wire tag data through the RMIS query tool2011