Tag Prefix and Coordinator Codes are used to aid in management and tracking of release groups. 

  • Tag Prefix is the first two characters of the coded wire tag for a release group.
  • Coordinator Code is derived from the “!” character followed by the 2 character coordinator code for “untagged” release group.

At this time BLANK Wire releases are recorded using the “Coordinator Code for untagged releases.

To determine the disposition of recovered tag codes, refer to the associated contact for the tag prefix(es).

Note: During the 2015 RCMT meeting, ADFG, CDFW, and DFO-Canada reconfirmed the return of recovered / coded-wire tags returned by their agencies for an archival period of 5 years. Please contact the below representative for instructions on returning these tags. For details you can view Appendix C in the RCMT 2015 Meeting Minutes (go to Regional Committee on Marking and Tagging webpage to access the 2015 meeting minutes).

Agency/Tribe Contact Email Tag Prefix for Tagged Releases  Coordinator Code for Untagged Releases 
 ADFG Dion Oxman dion.oxman@alaska.gov 04,13,31,47,50 !01,!12,!13
 CCT Casey Baldwin casey.baldwin@colvilletribes.com 20 !20
 CDFO Brenda Ridgway brenda.ridgway@dfo-mpo.gc.ca 02,08,12,18,28  !03,!09
 CDFW Jason Azat jason.azat@wildlife.ca.gov 06 !08
 CRITFC Marianne McClure mccm@critfc.org 61 !15
 CTUIR Robert Hogg roberthogg@ctuir.org 11 !19
 IDFG Brian Leth brian.leth@idfg.idaho.gov 10  !10
 NMFS Caroline Lawrence caroline.lawrence@noaa.gov 03,23 !02, !06
 NPT Drew Wickard dreww@nezperce.org 22 !16
 NWIFC Ash Shaffer ashaffer@nwifc.org 21 !14
 ODFW Trevor Clark trevor.r.clark@odfw.oregon.gov 07,09  !05
 QDNR Catrina Bean catrina.bean@quinault.org   !17
 STIL Kate Konoski kkonoski@stillaguamish.com   !18
 USFWS Ben Cross benjamin_cross@fws.gov 05 !07
 WDFW Lynn Anderson anderlma@dfw.wa.gov 16,62,63 !04
 YAKA Anneliese Myers myea@yakamafish-nsn.gov 19 !11